Engineering Economy 16th Edition Definitions for Each Chapter

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Engineering Math

Title: Advanced Engineering Mathematics

Author: Kreyszig

Edition: 9

Copyright: 2006

 This market leading text is known for its comprehensive coverage, careful and correct mathematics, outstanding exercises and self contained subject matter parts for maximum flexibility.
Thoroughly updated and streamlined to reflect new developments in the field, the ninth edition of this bestselling text features modern engineering applications and the uses of technology. Kreyszig introduces engineers and computer scientists to advanced math topics as they relate to practical problems. The material is arranged into seven independent parts: ODE; Linear Algebra, Vector Calculus; Fourier Analysis and Partial Differential Equations; Complex Analysis; Numerical methods; Optimization, graphs; and Probability and Statistics

Electric Circuits

Title: Electric Circuits NEW!
Author: Nilsson
Edition: 10
Copyright: 2016

Electric Circuits 10/e is the most widely used introductory circuits textbook of the past 25 years. As this book has evolved to meet the changing learning styles of students, the underlying teaching approaches and philosophies remain unchanged.

Emphasize the Relationship between Conceptual Understanding and Problem Solving Approaches: Chapter Problems and Practical Perspectives illustrate how the generalized techniques presented in a first-year circuit analysis course relate to problems faced by practicing engineers.

Build an Understanding of Concepts and Ideas Explicitly in Terms of Previous Learning: Assessment Problems and Fundamental Equations and Concepts help students focus on the key principles in electric circuits.

Provide Students with a Strong Foundation of Engineering Practices:Computer tools, examples, and supplementary workbooks assist students in the learning process.

Title: Applied Circuit Analysis

Author: Mathew Sadiku

Edition: 1

Copyright: 2012

 Applied Circuit Analysis 1e is intended to present circuit analysis to engineering technology students in a manner that is clearer, more interesting and easier to understand than other texts. This book was written for a two-semester or three-quarter course in linear analysis. The book may also be used for a one-semester course by a proper selection of chapters and sections by the instructor. It is broadly divided into two parts. Part 1, consisting of Chapters 1 to 10, is devoted to dc circuits. Part 2, containing Chapters 11 to 19, deals with ac circuits. The material in two parts is more than sufficient for a two-semester course so the instructor must select which chapters or sections to cover.

Electronic Communications

Title: Advanced Electronic Communication Systems NEW!

Author: Tomasi

Edition: 6

Copyright: 2015

Comprehensive in scope and contemporary in coverage, this text explores modern digital and data communications systems, microwave radio communications systems, satellite communications systems, and optical fiber communications systems. This text is the last 10 chapters from the Tomasi Electronic Communications Systems: Fundamental Through Advanced, 5/e.


Title: Engineering Electromagnetics

Author: Hayt

Edition: 8

Copyright: 2013

First published just over 50 years ago and now in its Eighth Edition, Bill Hayt and John Buck'sEngineering Electromagnetics is a classic text that has been updated for electromagnetics education today. This widely-respected book stresses fundamental concepts and problem solving, and discusses the material in an understandable and readable way. Numerous illustrations and analogies are provided to aid the reader in grasping the difficult concepts. In addition, independent learning is facilitated by the presence of many examples and problems. Important updates and revisions have been included in this edition. One of the most significant is a new chapter on electromagnetic radiation and antennas. This chapter covers the basic principles of radiation, wire antennas, simple arrays, and transmit-receive systems.

Digital Design

Title: Digital Design NEW!

Author: Mano

Edition: 5

Copyright: 2014

Digital Design,fifth edition is a modern update of the classic authoritative text on digital design.  This book teaches the basic concepts of digital design in a clear, accessible manner. The book presents the basic tools for the design of digital circuits and provides procedures suitable for a variety of digital applications.

Engineering Economy

Title: Engineering Economy (reprint) NEW!
Author: Sullivan
Edition: 16
Copyright: 2014

Used by engineering students worldwide, this best-selling text provides a sound understanding of the principles, basic concepts, and methodology of engineering economy. Built upon the rich and time-tested teaching materials of earlier editions, it is extensively revised and updated to reflect current trends and issues, with an emphasis on the economics of engineering design throughout. It provides one of the most complete and up-to-date studies of this vitally important field.

Title: Engineering Economy (reprint)
Author: Blank
Edition: 7
Copyright: 2012

Engineering Economy, 7th edition, presents a crisp, bold new design using color, highlighting and icons to focus on important concepts, terms, equations and decision guidelines. There are new features, new topics (such as ethics and staged decision making), and new online tools; yet no compromise on coverage, examples, or the well-accepted writing style of this popular text. The preface provides an overview of What's New and graphically depicts resources for Instructors and Students. Solved examples, problems and case studies target many of the current engineering challenges in areas such as energy, ethics, the environment, and the world's changing economics. Approximately eighty percent of the end-of-chapter problems are revised or new for this edition.
Some of the outstanding pedagogical characteristics of this new edition include its easy-to-read writing style, learning outcomes for each section, progressive examples used throughout a chapter, solved examples using manual and integrated spreadsheet solutions, updated case studies, Fundamentals of Engineering (FE) exam questions for each chapter, and numerous new end-of-chapter exercises.
A significant new feature is the availability of brief, downloadable online presentations (podcasts) that incorporate voice-over, animated Power Point slides. These are available on the text's website for students and instructors to utilize as support tools in or outside the classroom. Each module includes descriptive material and worked examples that supplement course material.

Design of Experiments

Title: Design and Analysis of Experiments
Author: Montgomery
Edition: 8
Copyright: 2013

The eighth edition of this best selling text continues to help senior and graduate students in engineering, business, and statistics-as well as working practitioners-to design and analyze experiments for improving the quality, efficiency and performance of working systems.

The eighth edition of Design and Analysis of Experiments maintains its comprehensive coverage by including: new examples, exercises, and problems (including in the areas of biochemistry and biotechnology); new topics and problems in the area of response surface; new topics in nested and split-plot design; and the residual maximum likelihood method is now emphasized throughout the book.

Continuing to place a strong focus on the use of the computer, this edition includes software examples taken from the four most dominant programs in the field: Design-Expert, Minitab, JMP.

Probability and Statistics for Engineers

Title: Probability & Statistics for Engineers & Scientists UPDATED NEW!
Author: Walpole
Edition: 9
Copyright: 2016

This classic text provides a rigorous introduction to basic probability theory and statistical inference, with a unique balance between theory and methodology. Interesting, relevant applications use real data from actual studies, showing how the concepts and methods can be used to solve problems in the field. This revision focuses on improved clarity and deeper understanding.

Title: Introduction to Probability & Statistics
Author: Mendenhall
Edition: 14
Copyright: 2014

Used by hundreds of thousands of students since its first edition, INTRODUCTION TO PROBABILITY AND STATISTICS, Fourteenth Edition, continues to blend the best of its proven, error-free coverage with new innovations. Written for the higher end of the traditional introductory statistics market, the book takes advantage of modern technology--including computational software and interactive visual tools--to facilitate statistical reasoning as well as the interpretation of statistical results. In addition to showing how to apply statistical procedures, the authors explain how to describe real sets of data meaningfully, what the statistical tests mean in terms of their practical applications, how to evaluate the validity of the assumptions behind statistical tests, and what to do when statistical assumptions have been violated. The new edition retains the statistical integrity, examples, exercises, and exposition that have made this text a market leader--and builds upon this tradition of excellence with new technology integration.

Title: Applied Statistics for Engineers and Scientists (original with optional WileyPLUS bundle)
Author: Montgomery
Edition: 5
Copyright: 2011

Montgomery and Runger's bestselling engineering statistics text provides a practical approach oriented to engineering as well as chemical and physical sciences. By providing unique problem sets that reflect realistic situations, students learn how the material will be relevant in their careers. With a focus on how statistical tools are integrated into the engineering problem-solving process, all major aspects of engineering statistics are covered. Developed with sponsorship from the National Science Foundation, this text incorporates many insights from the authors' teaching experience along with feedback from numerous adopters of previous editions.

Methods and Work Standards

Title: Niebels's Methods, Standards and Work Designs (reprint) NEW!
Author: Freivalds
Edition: 13
Copyright: 2014

This edition addresses the increasing global competition and the fact that every industry, business, and service organization is restructuring itself to operate more effectively. Cost-effectiveness and product reliability without excess capacity are the keys to successful activity in business, industry, and government. These keys are the end results of methods engineering. The 12th edition of Methods, Standards, and Work Design will provide practical, up-to-date descriptions of engineering methods to measure, analyze, and design manual work. The text emphasizes both the manual components and the cognitive aspects of work, recognizing the gradual decline of the manufacturing sector and the growth of the service sector. The importance of ergonomics and work design as part of methods engineering emphasizes not only increased productivity, but also to improve worker health and safety, and thus, company bottom-line costs. In the twenty-first century it is essential that the industrial engineer consider both productivity issues and their efforts on the health and safety of the worker. This comprehensive text addresses this need by integrating the traditional elements of motion and time study along with the human factors and ergonomics and safety engineering.

Quality Control

Title: Statistical Quality Control
Author: Montgomery
Edition: 7
Copyright: 2013

TheSeventh Edition ofIntroduction to Statistical Quality Control provides a comprehensive treatment of the major aspects of using statistical methodology for quality control and improvement.  Both traditional and modern methods are presented, including state-of-the-art techniques for statistical process monitoring and control and statistically designed experiments for process characterization, optimization, and process robustness studies.  The seventh edition continues to focus on DMAIC (define, measure, analyze, improve, and control--the problem-solving strategy of six sigma) including a chapter on the implementation process.  Additionally, the text includes new examples, exercises, problems, and techniques.Statistical Quality Control is best suited for upper-division students in engineering, statistics, business and management science or students in graduate courses.

Title: Quality Improvement (formerly Quality Control) NEW!
Author: Besterfield
Edition: 9
Copyright: 2014

Formerly titled Quality Control, the field's most accessible introduction to quality has been renamed and revamped to focus on quantitative aspects of quality improvement. New chapters on Lean Enterprise, Six Sigma, Experimental Design, and Taguchi's Quality Engineering have been added, and this new Ninth Edition adds comprehensive coverage of fundamental statistical quality improvement concepts. A practical state-of-the-art approach is stressed throughout, and sufficient theory is presented to ensure that students develop a solid understanding of basic quality principles. To improve accessibility, probability and statistical techniques are presented through simpler math or developed via tables and charts. As with previous editions, this text is written to serve a widely diverse audience of students, including the growing number of "math shy" individuals who must play key roles in quality improvement.

Mechanics/ Strength of Materials

Title: Mechanics of Materials (reprint)
Author: Hibbeler
Edition: 8
Copyright: 2010

Containing Hibbeler's hallmark student-oriented features, this text is in four-color with a photorealistic art program designed to help students visualize difficult concepts.  A clear, concise writing style and more examples than any other text further contribute to students' ability to master the material.

Title: Structural Analysis (reprint)
Author: Hibbeler
Edition: 8
Copyright: 2014

This book provides students with a clear and thorough presentation of the theory and application of structural analysis as it applies to trusses, beams, and frames. Emphases are placed on teaching readers to both model and analyze a structure. A hallmark of the book,

 Procedures for Analysis, has been retained in this edition to provide learners with a logical, orderly method to follow when applying theory. Chapter topics include types of structures and loads, analysis of statically determinate structures, analysis of statically determinate trusses, internal loadings developed in structural members, cables and arches, influence lines for statically determinate structures, approximate analysis of statically indeterminate structures, deflections, analysis of statically indeterminate structures by the force method, displacement method of analysis: slope-deflection equations, displacement method of analysis: moment distribution, analysis of beams and frames consisting of nonprismatic members, truss analysis using the stiffness method, beam analysis using the stiffness method, and plane frame analysis using the stiffness method.


Title: Materials Science and Engineering (reprint) NEW!
Author: Callister
Edition: 9
Copyright: 2015

Building on the extraordinary success of eight best-selling editions, Callister's new Ninth Edition ofMaterials Science and Engineering continues to promote student understanding of the three primary types of materials (metals, ceramics, and polymers) and composites, as well as the relationships that exist between the structural elements of materials and their properties. This edition is again supported by WileyPLUS, an integrated online learning environment, (when ordered as a package by an instructor). Also available is a redesigned version of Virtual Materials Science and Engineering (VMSE). This resource contains interactive simulations and animations that enhance the learning of key concepts in materials science and engineering (e.g., crystal structures, crystallographic planes/directions, dislocations) and, in addition, a comprehensive materials property database.

Title: Fundamentals of Materials Science and Engineering (reprint)
Author: Callister
Edition: 3
Copyright: 2009

Callister and Rethwisch's "Fundamentals of Materials Science and Engineering" "third edition" continues to take the integrated approach to the organization of topics. That is, one specific structure, characteristic, or property type at a time is discussed for all three basic material types--viz. metals, ceramics, and polymeric materials. This order of presentation allows for the early introduction of non-metals and supports the engineer's role in choosing materials based upon their characteristics.

Title: De Garmo's Materials in Processes Manufacturing (original)
Author: Black
Edition: 11
Copyright: 2013

The new edition of DeGarmo's Materials and Processes in Manufacturing focuses on updates and more coverage of non-metallic materials, sustainability, lean manufacturing, rapid prototyping and revised end of chapter and case study content. It emphasizes application and design, present mathematical models and analytic equations sparingly and uses case studies to highlight real world examples of manufacturing.
Other revisions and updates include the addition of frontend Learning Objectives; elimination of weak problems and addition of new problems; more relevant and current case studies as well as additional new ones where appropriate; new chapter on Rapid Prototyping; expanded coverage of non-metallic materials such as composites, polymers, etc. ; a discussion about sustainability and green, and engineering and how it relates to manufacturing; coverage of lean manufacturing and production; and updated references and chapter summaries.

Title: Basic Principles of Chemical Engineering NEW!
Author: Himmelblau
Edition: 8
Copyright: 2015

Basic Principles and Calculations in Chemical Engineering, Eighth Edition goes far beyond traditional introductory chemical engineering topics, presenting applications that reflect the full scope of contemporary chemical, petroleum, and environmental engineering. Celebrating its fiftieth Anniversary as the field's leading practical introduction, it has been extensively updated and reorganized to cover today's principles and calculations more efficiently, and to present far more coverage of bioengineering, nanoengineering, and green engineering.
Offering a strong foundation of skills and knowledge for successful study and practice, it guides students through formulating and solving material and energy balance problems, as well as describing gases, liquids, and vapors. Throughout, the authors introduce efficient, consistent, student-friendly methods for solving problems, analyzing data, and gaining a conceptual, application-based understanding of modern chemical engineering processes. This edition's improvements include many new problems, examples, and homework assignments.

Title: Perry's Chemical Engineering Handbook (original)
Author: Greene
Edition: 8
Copyright: 2008

First published in 1934, Perry's Chemical Engineers' Handbook  has equipped generations of engineers and chemists with an expert source of chemical engineering information and data. Now updated to reflect the latest technology and processes of the new millennium, the Eighth Edition of this classic guide provides unsurpassed coverage of every aspect of chemical engineering-from fundamental principles to chemical processes and equipment to new computer applications.

Title: Introduction to Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics
Author: Smith
Edition: 7
Copyright: 2016

Introduction to Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics, 7/e, presents comprehensive coverage of the subject of thermodynamics from a chemical engineering viewpoint. The text provides a thorough exposition of the principles of thermodynamics and details their application to chemical processes. The chapters are written in a clear, logically organized manner, and contain an abundance of realistic problems, examples, and illustrations to help students understand complex concepts. New ideas, terms, and symbols constantly challenge the readers to think and encourage them to apply this fundamental body of knowledge to the solution of practical problems.

Title: Principles of Transport Process and Separation (reprint)
Author: Geankoplis
Edition: 4
Copyright: 2015

The title of this Fourth Edition has been changed from Transport Processes and Unit Operations to Transport Processes and Separation Process Principles (Includes Unit Operations). This was done because the term Unit Operations has been largely superseded by the term Separation Processes which better reflects the present modern nomenclature being used. The main objectives and the format of the Fourth Edition remain the same. The sections on momentum transfer have been greatly expanded, especially in the sections on fluidized beds, flow meters, mixing, and non-Newtonian fluids. Material has been added to the chapter on mass transfer. The chapters on absorption, distillation, and liquid-liquid extraction have also been enlarged. More new material has been added to the sections on ion exchange and crystallization. The chapter on membrane separation processes has been greatly expanded especially for gas-membrane theory.

Title: Essentials of Chemical Reaction Engineering (reprint)
Author: Fogler
Edition: 1
Copyright: 2011

This is the complete, modern introduction to chemical reaction engineering for today's readers: students who demand instantaneous access to information, have no time to waste, and want to enjoy the learning process while building their skills with both critical thinking and creative problem solving. H. Scott Fogler and M. Nihat Gürmen build on the strengths of their classic Elements of Chemical Reaction Engineering, Fourth Edition, enabling students to learn chemical reaction engineering through logic rather than memorization. They also provide extensive new resources to help students gain a deep intuitive understanding of how reactors behave in diverse situations. For example, they provide more than 60 realistic interactive simulations on CD-ROM - just one of many tools, videos, and games designed to support students with many different learning styles. Much of this book's content has been revised based on feedback from 200+ University of Michigan students who classroom-tested this book. Coverage includes: mole balances; conversion and reactor sizing; rate laws; stoichiometry; isothermal reactor design; conversion; molar flow rates; collection and analysis of rate data; multiple reactions; reaction mechanisms, pathways, bioreactions, and bioreactors; catalysis and catalytic reactors; nonisothermal reactor design; steady state energy balance and adiabatic PFR applications; and both steady-state and unsteady-state nonisothermal reactor design.

Engineering Economy 16th Edition Definitions for Each Chapter


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