Bloated After Switching to Vegetarian Diet

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A vegetarian diet consists of plant-based foods, dairy, and eggs, while abstaining from meat, poultry, or fish. A vegan diet abstains from consuming, wearing, or using any animal products or byproducts whatsoever.[1] If you're considering making the switch, it's important to know how to replace the foods you currently eat and the products you may use with a vegan-friendly alternative. Many grocery items contain ingredients that are not vegan-friendly, but once you learn how to check the items you purchase, living as a vegan is an easy and satisfying way of life.

  1. 1

    Try vegan dairy substitutes. As a vegetarian, you're probably used to cooking and eating "mock" meats and other meat alternatives, which are designed to replicate the taste and texture of real meat. Dairy alternatives are no different. They're designed and perfected to replicate the taste and consistency of your favorite dairy products, and many of them taste convincingly similar to the real thing.[2]

    • Try soy milk, almond milk, cashew milk, coconut milk, or hemp milk as a dairy-free alternative to real milk.
    • Vegan cheeses come in a number of flavors and styles, including cheddar, mozzarella, havarti, ricotta, and cream cheese. These are often made from nuts, so make sure you check if you have a sensitivity to nuts.
    • Non-dairy butter alternatives are available at most grocery stores. These can be purchased in sticks or in tubs for cooking and spreading on your favorite foods.
    • You can also buy vegan yogurt and vegan ice cream at many retailers.
  2. 2

    Find substitutes for eggs . Eggs can be tricky to substitute; however, there are some commercially-available egg replacements, such as Ener-G brand products.[3] You can also substitute an egg with a number of vegan options when you're cooking or baking, all of which can be found at most grocery stores. Some common alternatives include:

    • Half a banana, mashed
    • Applesauce
    • Tofu
    • Flax seeds and water put through a blender
  3. 3

    Make vegan versions of your favorite recipes. Giving up dairy and eggs doesn't necessarily mean you have to give up your favorite dishes. There are many ways to recreate the vegetarian dishes you love with vegan ingredients. All you need to do is substitute dairy-free products for real milk and cheese, and your dishes will taste almost identical.[4]

    • When you first switch over to a vegan diet, it may be helpful to try out vegan versions of familiar recipes. This may help make the transition smoother, as your meals will taste largely the same.
    • Trying out vegan versions of the dishes you enjoy may help you decide whether or not to switch if you're still on the fence.
  4. 4

    Learn where to get vegan alternatives. You don't have to travel two towns over to an all-natural cooperative to find vegan food. Most large-chain grocery stores have vegan options, and they're usually stocked with the produce, near dairy products, or in the natural food section.[5]

    • If you're not sure where your grocery store stocks their vegan cheese and dairy-free spreads, ask a store clerk.
    • If they don't currently carry such products, try petitioning the store to expand their selection or visit another grocery store.
  5. 5

    Know that it's a process. Like any lifestyle change, becoming a vegan may take some time to adjust to. It's okay if you slip up every now and then, especially when you're just making the transition to a vegan diet. Think of becoming a vegan as a shift or evolution of your lifestyle, and remember that that shift may take you longer than it takes other people.[6]

    • It can take time to adjust to the changes you're making, so don't feel frustrated with yourself if you have cravings or slip up at first.
    • Whatever your reason for going vegan, keep it in mind as you make changes. Write it down and hang it on your fridge as a reminder of why you are making this diet and lifestyle change.
  1. 1

    Read the ingredients of your favorite foods. Many food additives and ingredients are derived from animals, so it's important that you familiarize yourself with common additives/ingredients and check the packaging of foods very carefully.[7] Some common animal byproducts include:

    • Bone char (used to turn sugar white)
    • Casein/caseinate (milk protein)
    • Gelatin (protein derived from the skin, ligaments, and bones of cows and pigs)
    • L-cysteine (amino acid frequently derived from duck feathers and used in some breads and baked goods)
    • Stearic acid (fat derived from cattle, sheep, and sometimes from euthanized cats and dogs)
    • Vitamin B-12 (often derived from animals, though plant-based options are available)
    • Vitamin D (often derived from animals, fish, dairy, and eggs, though plant-based options are available)
    • Whey (a component of milk)
  2. 2

    Find out if your favorite beer and wine is vegan-friendly. You may not think of alcoholic beverages as being vegan or not vegan, but many beers and wines contain or are made with non-vegan ingredients and processing agents.[8] If you're old enough to drink alcohol and you want to adhere to a vegan diet, you may want to familiarize yourself with which beverages are suitable for you.

    • Some beers directly contain non-vegan ingredients like dairy and honey.
    • Some manufacturers of wine and beer use isinglass (derived from a fish's swim bladder), gelatin, and egg whites as filtering agents.
    • You can search online directories like barnivore to find out about your favorite beers and wines, or check out P.E.T.A.'s list of vegan-friendly beers.[9]
  3. 3

    Check the label on clothing to ensure it's animal-free. Many clothing products are made with non-vegan ingredients. Part of living a vegan lifestyle includes avoiding clothing made with animal products. Before you purchase a new garment, take a look at the label to see what materials that item is made with. Some reliably vegan components are cotton, polyester, rayon, denim, synthetic down, faux fur, faux leather, and any other materials listed as "synthetic."[10] Common non-vegan clothing components to avoid include:

    • Fur
    • Down
    • Leather
    • Suede
    • Alligator skin
    • Snakeskin
    • Kangaroo skin
    • Silk
    • Wool
  4. 4

    Be aware that even tattoo ink can contain animal products. If you are thinking about getting a tattoo and want to be a strict vegan, it's important to know that even tattoo ink can be made with non-vegan ingredients.[11] If you want to get a vegan tattoo, it's a good idea to call the tattoo parlor you're considering to ask. You can also check their website, as some locations will list online whether or not they use vegan inks.

    • Bone char, glycerin (derived from animal fat), gelatin, and shellac (from crushed beetles) are all common ingredients in tattoo ink.
    • Vegan-friendly inks use vegetable glycerine instead of animal-based sources. They also use natural, plant-based dyes and pigments.
    • Some well-known brands of vegan ink include Eternal Ink, StarBrite, SkinCandy, and Stable Color.
    • Be aware that even the razor an artist uses to shave your skin before giving you a tattoo may be made with a glycerine-based gel strip.
    • Many tattoo after-care products are made with animal byproducts as well. Be sure to check the ingredients before you purchase these items.
  5. 5

    Look for vegan-friendly cosmetics. In addition to directly containing some animal products, many cosmetics are tested on animals for safety. These tests can lead to lab animals being poisoned, blinded, burned, or even killed.[12]

    • Search online to see if your favorite cosmetic products are vegan. You can also check P.E.T.A.'s website, as they list a number of animal-friendly cosmetic products.
  6. 6

    Know that many of your favorite snack foods are "accidentally" vegan. While many manufacturers specify that their products are a vegan-friendly version of your favorite foods, some foods that you currently eat are already vegan without directly appealing to a vegan audience.[13] If you're ever unsure about a given snack food, you can always check its ingredients list or search for that item online.

    • Most potato chips and tortilla chips are vegan, unless they contain some type of cheese/dairy flavoring.
    • Triscuits, Wheat Thins, saltine crackers, and graham crackers (but not honey graham crackers) are typically vegan, though certain varieties/flavors may not be.
    • Many granola bars are vegan, although some contain honey.
    • Oreo cookies, some "gummy" candies like Sour Patch Kids and Swedish Fish, and many mints and gums are vegan.
  1. 1

    Know that you're less likely to return to meat. If you're just switching over, you might be worried about your ability to commit to a vegan lifestyle over a long period of time. Like most dietary changes, it gets easier as you grow accustomed to those changes. One thing that may give you some comfort, though, is that as a vegan you're statistically less likely to revert back to a meat-based diet than vegetarians are.[14]

    • You may have felt tempted to take a bite of a meat dish when you were only avoiding meat.
    • Once you start avoiding any animal products, you're that much farther removed from temptation.
    • If you find yourself struggling, remember the reasons why you gave up meat in the first place and know that you're even farther from your previous diet and lifestyle as a vegan.
  2. 2

    Remember that being vegan comes with many health benefits. A vegan diet puts you at lower risk of heart disease, hypertension, diabetes, cancer, obesity, gallstones, and dementia.[15] The beneficial impact on your overall heath can help you stay committed to your decision to be vegan.

  3. 3

    Think about the conditions animals live in. Perhaps the best motivator to stay strong as a vegan is the thought of what animals go through to meet the culinary needs of humans. By living a committed vegan lifestyle, you're helping to remove yourself from participation in an industry that exploits, mistreats, and sometimes tortures living animals.[16]

    • Even outside of large-scale "factory farms," most dairy cows live unpleasant lives.
    • When a dairy cow gets too old or sick to produce milk, she is often sent to the slaughter house.
    • Even free-range or cage-free chickens suffer tremendously, as they're usually purchased from the same hatcheries as regular chickens. Since male chicks are considered useless, they're killed by the hatcheries — often by being ground up alive or suffocated.[17]

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    What supplements should I take on a dairy-free diet?

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    Find BC Dietitians is a central hub of qualified nutrition experts in British Columbia, Canada with a mission to connect people to a registered dietitian best suited for their needs. BC Dietitians offer online consultations and provide evidence-based care on a wide range of nutrition matters such as diabetes, weight management, food allergies, eating disorders, and intuitive eating.

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    Expert Answer

    Taking a vitamin D daily can help with overall calcium absorption. Calcium can be found in other foods besides dairy products in items like calcium-fortified juices, cereals, plant-based milk alternatives (rice/almond/coconut/oat/pea milks), canned fish with bones (sardines), soy products, navy beans, almonds, sesame seeds, and leafy greens. The amount of calcium that can be absorbed from these foods does vary.

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  • Don't be pushy or preachy about your vegan lifestyle. If someone asks you questions, feel free to educate that person about your choices. However, trying to force others to convert to a vegan diet and lifestyle may get frustrating for your friends and relatives.

  • Be respectful of other people's dietary and lifestyle choices, and ask that they be mutually respectful of yours.

  • An easy mnemonic for remembering what to eat is 'First North South Vegan': for fruits, vegetables, nuts, and seeds.

    • There's also water and mushrooms/microbes, so an expanded one is 'First North South West Vegan Muncher'.
  • Vegan alternatives may not have the same equivalent nutritional value as the vegetarian counterparts. So it's best to take vegan vitamin pills, especially during the transition and continued after, to account for what's missing.

    • B12 deficiency is a risk for vegans. Some foods are fortified with B12 but vegans have to be very certain to count and track B12 intake in order to get enough. It is recommended that vegans take a daily B12 supplement, especially if pregnant. B12 deficiency can lead to neurological disorders.[18]

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Bloated After Switching to Vegetarian Diet


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