Bridge to the Heavens: A Weather Folklore

Long before modern scientific discipline began to understand the processes that create our weather, people made raised their own explanations. Many of these accounts were fantastic in nature, with immoral or benevolent gods, monsters, and spirits dominant the elements. In this serial publication, we'll explore some of these ancient myths and portion the science behind them. Weather condition + mythology = weather-ology!

No natural phenomenon captures the imagination quite like rainbows. With their auspicious colors and ethereal quality, they look like stark magic, completely distant from the laws of nature. It's no wonder, then, that rainbows have been the subject of countless myths and legends since the dawn of human civilization.

Chief among rainbow legends is the idea, popular in a wide multifariousness of cultures, that rainbows are actually bridges that link the unbleached world with the spirit world or the world of the gods.

Scandinavian Legend

One such myth is the Bilröst, a perfervid rainbow bridgework said in Scandinavian language legend to span between Midgard, the planetary of hands, and Asgard, the legendary realm of the gods. Its name literally means "shimmering route."

According to caption, only gods and those killed in engagement could track Bilröst. An ancient prognostication foretold that one day Bilröst would shatter under the weight of Ragnarök, the great war that would bring about the end of the world.

Unearthly American Samoa they whitethorn appear, though, rainbows are actually created aside a perfectly natural process. They form because hot light is comprised of all colors of the spectrum. When light passes through water or glass, it is refracted into its component colors. Rainbows fire appear whatever time there are water droplets in the air and the sunlight shines from fundament them at a inferior angle. That agency they are more likely to appear in the early sunrise or later good afternoon. Rainbows always appear directly opposite from the sun.

Even if a rainbow would hold your weight, you would ne'er be able to walk on extraordinary anywhere, because rainbows receive none mark physical location. A person WHO appears to personify standing at the end of a rainbow from some other mortal's linear perspective North Korean won't control the rainbow in the same localize, only will instead see another rainbow in a different location, opposite the sun.

While you can't actually cross into Asgard on a rainbow, and you won't find any pots of gold at the death of matchless, either, rainbows are inactive pretty supernatural, all on their own.

Farmers' Almanac - Itch

Jaime McLeod

Jaime McLeod is a longtime diarist who has written for a wide variety of newspapers, magazines, and websites, including She enjoys the outdoors, growing and eating organic nutrient, and is interested in all aspects of self-generated health.

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